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Our Mission

The Community Alliance of South County was founded to identify, advocate for, offer and support programs that will positively impact our community. In pursuing these goals, we will collaborate with our South County neighbors, community organizations, local businesses and government to achieve sustainable results.

Our Guiding Principles

- Operate as a non-profit and non-partisan organization

        for the benefit of the citizens of South County.


       - Collaborate with South County community members, community                                organizations, businesses and governmental organizations to offer

                 and support sustainable programs that will achieve optimal results

                      with minimal cost.


              - Advocate for and with our community of neighbors.


                     - Encourage and support volunteerism as a part of life in South County.


Our Areas of Focus

    Education and Youth

We seek opportunities to bring community resources to bear on programs and projects which benefit schools, students and youth in South County. 

Education Books Bookshelfs


We work to focus attention on  

the challenges associated with transportation in South County and to inform stakeholders and residents about actual and potential solutions.

Seat on public transportation

Food Access and Nutrition

 We strive to increase awareness

   of issues related to food insecurity    and insufficiency in our part of the county through projects which are consistent with our goals of bringing

services to people where they are and of community engagement

in addressing neighbors' needs.   

Fresh Vegetables in Basket

   Community Outreach

     We reach out to the South County community with three

primary goals: to provide residents with information about available services; to gain neighbor's  perspectives on services and resources needed; and to spread

 the word about our organization, its goals and current projects .

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